Raw Data

The 1,123 municipal solid waste landfills depicted on the map represent approximately 92% of all municipal landfills in America. 1,120 of the landfills included in this map self-report their greenhouse gas emissions to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, which is publicly accessible via the Environmental Protection Agency's Enforcement and Compliance History Online database.

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Data Summary (Last Updated: March 2024)

Number Percentage
All Facilities in Dataset 1,120
Facilities with Current Violations (Q4 2023) 230 20.5%
Facilities with Current Multiple Violations (Q4 2023) 13 1.2%
Facilities with Current Significant Violations (Q4 2023) 90 8%
Facilities with Current Significant Multiple Violations (Q4 2023) 2 0.2%
Facilities with Historic Violations (2021-2023) 403 36%
Facilities with Historic Multiple Violations (2021-2023) 48 4.3%
Facilities with Historic Significant Violations (2021-2023) 168 15%
Facilities with Historic Multiple Significant Violations (2021-2023) 6 0.5%
Facilities with Formal Enforcement Actions (2019-2023) 115 10.3%
Facilities with Informal Enforcement Actions (2019-2023) 254 22.7%
Facilities with Multiple Formal Enforcement Actions (2019-2023) 46 4.1%
Facilities with Violations in Environmental Justice Communities (2021-2023) 164 14.6%
Facilities with Significant Violations in Environmental Justice Communities (2021-2023) 80 7.1%
Facilities with Violations in Neighborhoods with a Majority of Residents Are People of Color (2021-2023) 40 3.6%
Facilities with Violations in Neighborhoods with a Majority of Households Are Low-Income (2021-2023) 20 1.8%
Facilities with Violations in Indian Country (2021-2023) 2 0.2%
Facilities with Violations in Nonattainment and/or Maintenance Areas (2021-2023) 169 15.1%
Facilities with Violations and Potentially Underestimated Emissions Based on Satellite Data (2019) 21 28.8%
Facilities with Annual Emissions Greater than 2.5Gg Located in a Nonattainment Area (2022) 94 8.4%
Facilities with Annual Emissions Greater than 2.5Gg Located in an Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area (2022) 9 0.8%

Violations and degree of violations are measured against standards set by the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Landfill violation and enforcement action data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online database. Environmental justice data comes from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool “EJScreen.” Satellite data comes from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite.

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